In-wallet applications

Launching applications in the mobile wallet

The following section serves to guide developers on how to enable wallets to support Ontology's dAPI, along with Provider SDK integration into mobile wallet apps. It may be worth referring to the respective open source Android and iOS wallet source code.

The two parties involved in the integration process are:

  • The dApp : Blanket term that representsdApps developed for the users of Ontology ecosystem.

  • The Provider: Wallets that support dAPI , and adhere to it's specifications.

Wallets that currently support the dAPI protocol:

Interaction process

The URI scheme that the dApp uses when sending requests:

ontprovider://{the json data}.toString()))

The process can be broadly divided in the following manner:

Step 1:Wallet uses Webview to open dApps (H5 design)

Wallet uses Webview to open H5 dApps in the dApp store page layout

Step 2:dApp sends a request to fetch wallet's address

There are two ways to retrieve account information-

  • Using the getAccount method

  • Using the login method

Step 3:dApp sends a contract invocation request

The steps involved-

  1. dApp sends invocation request

  2. The wallet initiates transaction, carries out user authentication and signature

  3. Wallet pre-executes the transaction

  4. Transaction is transmitted to the blockchain

  5. Wallet returns transaction hash to the dApp

dAPI protocol usage

The dAPI protocol is extensible in nature. It's core features can be laid out in terms of the following functions.

  • Querying Provider information

  • Querying wallet or account/identity related information

  • Authentication and login

  • Message signature

  • Smart contract invocation

Querying provider information

The query request that the dApp sends to the wallet to fetch the provider information is first encoded in URI and Base64, and then sent. The data is structured in the following manner:

    "action": "getProvider",
    "id": "10ba038e-48da-487b-96e8-8d3b99b6d18a",
    "version": "v1.0.0",
    "params": {

Data specification for the fields mentioned above-


Data type




Operation type



Serial number

The data set of provider information that the wallet returns, after URI and Base64 decoding, is structured in the following manner:

    "action": "getProvider",
    "version": "v1.0.0",
    "id": "10ba038e-48da-487b-96e8-8d3b99b6d18a",
    "error": 0,
    "desc": "SUCCESS",
    "result": {
        "provider": "cyano walllet",
        "version": "1.0.0"

Querying the wallet account or identity information

The query request that the dApp sends to the wallet to fetch the account or identity information is first encoded in URI and Base64, and then sent. The data is structured in the following manner:

    "action": "getAccount", // or getIdentity
    "version": "v1.0.0",
    "id": "10ba038e-48da-487b-96e8-8d3b99b6d18a",
    "params": {
        "dappName": "dapp Name",
        "dappIcon": "dapp Icon"

Data specification for the fields mentioned above-


Data type




Operation type



dApp name



dApp icon resource link

The data set that the wallet returns, after URI and Base64 decoding, has the following structure:

    "action": "getAccount", // or getIdentity
    "version": "v1.0.0",
    "id": "10ba038e-48da-487b-96e8-8d3b99b6d18a",
    "error": 0,
    "desc": "SUCCESS",
    "result": "AUr5QUfeBADq6BMY6Tp5yuMsUNGpsD7nLZ"  // or  "did:ont:AUr5QUfeBADq6BMY6Tp5yuMsUNGpsD7nLZ"


The login request that the dApp sends to the wallet is first encoded in URI and Base64, and then sent. The data is structured in the following manner:

    "action": "login",
    "version": "v1.0.0",
    "id": "10ba038e-48da-487b-96e8-8d3b99b6d18a",
    "params": {
        "type": "ontid or address",
        "dappName": "dapp Name",
        "dappIcon": "dapp Icon",
        "message": "helloworld"

Data specification for the fields mentioned above-


Data type




Operation type



Specifying the login method. ONT ID login is specified using "ontid", and wallet address login is specified as "address"



dApp name



dApp icon resource link



Randomly generated, used for identity verification

The wallet's response to the login request is of the following format after decoding:

Success response

    "action": "login",
    "version": "v1.0.0",
    "id": "10ba038e-48da-487b-96e8-8d3b99b6d18a",
    "error": 0,
    "desc": "SUCCESS",
    "result": {
        "type": "ontid or account",
        "user": "did:ont:AUEKhXNsoAT27HJwwqFGbpRy8QLHUMBMPz or AUEKhXNsoAT27HJwwqFGbpRy8QLHUMBMPz",
        "message": "helloworld",
        "publickey": "0205c8fff4b1d21f4b2ec3b48cf88004e38402933d7e914b2a0eda0de15e73ba61",
        "signature": "01abd7ea9d79c857cd838cabbbaad3efb44a6fc4f5a5ef52ea8461d6c055b8a7cf324d1a58962988709705cefe40df5b26e88af3ca387ec5036ec7f5e6640a1754"

Failure response

  "action": "login",
  "version": "v1.0.0",
  "id": "10ba038e-48da-487b-96e8-8d3b99b6d18a",
  "error": 80001,
  "desc": "PARAMS ERROR",
  "result": 1

Data specification for the fields mentioned above-


Data type




Operation type



The result to be returned



Specifying the login method. ONT ID login is specified using "ontid", and wallet address login is specified as "address"



The account used for signature, ONT ID or wallet address



Randomly generated, used for identity verification



Account's public key



User's signature

Message signature

The structure remains the same as the login request, with the difference being that dApp name and icon are not needed. The request is encoded in URI and Base64, and then sent to the wallet.

    "action": "signMessage",
    "version": "v1.0.0",
    "id": "10ba038e-48da-487b-96e8-8d3b99b6d18a",
    "params": {
        "type": "ontid or address",
        "message": "helloworld"

Data specification for the fields mentioned above-


Data type




Operation type



Specifying the access method. ONT ID is specified using "ontid", and wallet address is specified as "address"



Randomly generated, used for identity verification

The wallet's success response to the request is of the following format after decoding:

    "action": "signMessage",
    "version": "v1.0.0",
    "id": "10ba038e-48da-487b-96e8-8d3b99b6d18a",
    "error": 0,
    "desc": "SUCCESS",
    "result": {
        "type": "ontid or address",
        "user": "did:ont:AUEKhXNsoAT27HJwwqFGbpRy8QLHUMBMPz or AUEKhXNsoAT27HJwwqFGbpRy8QLHUMBMPz",
        "message": "helloworld",
        "publickey": "0205c8fff4b1d21f4b2ec3b48cf88004e38402933d7e914b2a0eda0de15e73ba61",
        "signature": "01abd7ea9d79c857cd838cabbbaad3efb44a6fc4f5a5ef52ea8461d6c055b8a7cf324d1a58962988709705cefe40df5b26e88af3ca387ec5036ec7f5e6640a1754"

Contract invocation

Different invocation methods can be chosen using the action parameter. The available options are:

Parameter value



Normal process


Pre-execute the contract, the user does not need to sign, the result is returned to the dApp


Invoke without the need of authentication, user does not need to enter password

The invokePasswordFree function can be used for scenarios a contract needs to be invoked without prompting the user to enter their password. For example, games that stake money at regular intervals. Though, the use still needs to enter password once.

The platform only trusts fixed methods and parameters, and not all the methods that are part of the contract. After authentication, the transaction parameters are saved as ((InvokeCode)txs[0]).code

If another request that requires the same data is submitted, the user does not need to enter the password again, and the smart contract does not need to be pre-executed on more time.

When the user exits the dApp, please ensure that the parameters and the private key data are cleared from the memory.

dApp sends an invocation request

The data set of the request is encoded in URI and Base64 and sent out. The structure is:

    "action": "invoke",
    "version": "v1.0.0",
    "id": "10ba038e-48da-487b-96e8-8d3b99b6d18a",
    "params": {
        "invokeConfig": {
            "contractHash": "16edbe366d1337eb510c2ff61099424c94aeef02",
            "functions": [{
                "operation": "method name",
                "args": [{
                    "name": "arg0-list",
                    "value": [true, 100, "Long:100000000000", "Address:AUr5QUfeBADq6BMY6Tp5yuMsUNGpsD7nLZ", "ByteArray:aabb", "String:hello", [true, 100], {
                        "key": 6
                }, {
                    "name": "arg1-map",
                    "value": {
                        "key": "String:hello",
                        "key1": "ByteArray:aabb",
                        "key2": "Long:100000000000",
                        "key3": true,
                        "key4": 100,
                        "key5": [100],
                        "key6": {
                            "key": 6
                }, {
                    "name": "arg2-str",
                    "value": "String:test"
            "payer": "AUr5QUfeBADq6BMY6Tp5yuMsUNGpsD7nLZ",
            "gasLimit": 20000,
            "gasPrice": 500

Base58 addresses such as AUr5QUfeBADq6BMY6Tp5yuMsUNGpsD7nLZ can be assigned to the %address parameter, and the wallet will automatically assign it as the wallet's asset address. If the parameters contain an %ontid, the wallet will also automatically assign it to the wallet's ONT ID address.

Wallet responds to the invocation request

First the wallet carries out URI and Base64 decoding. And then,

  1. Wallet initiates a transaction

  2. Wallet carries out user authentication and signature

  3. The transaction is pre-executed

  4. Wallet receives user confirmation

  5. The transaction is transmitted onto the chain

  6. Transaction hash is returned to the dApp

The success response sent to the dApp is:

  "action": "invoke",
  "id": "10ba038e-48da-487b-96e8-8d3b99b6d18a",
  "error": 0,
  "desc": "SUCCESS",
  "result": "tx hash"

The failure response sent to the dApp is:

  "action": "invoke",
  "id": "10ba038e-48da-487b-96e8-8d3b99b6d18a",
  "error": 80001,
  "desc": "SEND TX ERROR",
  "result": ""

Pre-executing transactions

The amount of ONT and ONG that the user is going to expend in the transaction can be determined from the notify response, which is a result of the pre-execution.

A connection must be established with the following nodes:

It is advised to first completely analyze the notify response before making a judgement pertaining to a transaction, as there may be multiple transfers or events taking place. The nature of the token (ONT or ONG) can be determined from the contract address, while the transfer method and recipient can be determined later.

    "Notify": [{
        "States": ["transfer", "AUr5QUfeBADq6BMY6Tp5yuMsUNGpsD7nLZ", "AecaeSEBkt5GcBCxwz1F41TvdjX3dnKBkJ", 1],
        "ContractAddress": "0100000000000000000000000000000000000000"
    "State": 1,
    "Gas": 20000,
    "Result": "01"

dAPI provider SDK integration

dAPI provider SDK aids communication between Android webview and a web based dApp. It encapsulates a few methods for webview. Separate details with respect to Android and iOS platforms are available for reference.

Android SDK sample code

CyanoWebView cyanoWebView=new CyanoWebView(context);

//Action handle
cyanoWebView.getNativeJsBridge().setHandleGetAccount(new NativeJsBridge.HandleGetAccount() {
            public void handleAction(String data) {
              /* TODO
               * 1.Send wallet address to webView
               * reqJson = JSON.parseObject(data);
               * String action=reqJson.getString("action");
               * String version=reqJson.getString("version");
               * String id=reqJson.getString("id");
               * cyanoWebView.sendSuccessToWeb(action,version, id, *wallet address*);

cyanoWebView.getNativeJsBridge().setHandleInvoke(new NativeJsBridge.HandleInvoke() {
            public void handleAction(String data) {
              /* TODO
               * 1. Password input prompt, resolve wallet account, build transaction using the data, carry out signature, pre-execute, note the processing time
               * 2. Analyze the pre-execution notify reseponse, display transaction fees, if the result contains the contract address determine ONT/ONT, display recipient address and transfer amount
               * 3. Transmit the transaction onto the chain after user confirmation
               * 4. Send the transaction hash to webview
               * reqJson = JSON.parseObject(data);
               * String action=reqJson.getString("action");
               * String version=reqJson.getString("version");
               * String id=reqJson.getString("id");
               * cyanoWebView.sendSuccessToWeb(action,version, id, 交易 hash);

cyanoWebView.getNativeJsBridge().setHandleInvokeRead(new NativeJsBridge.HandleInvokeRead() {
        public void handleAction(String data) {
               /* TODO
                * 1. Build transaction using the data, note the processing time
                * 2 Send the pre-execution results to webview
                * reqJson = JSON.parseObject(data);
                * String action=reqJson.getString("action");
                * String version=reqJson.getString("version");
                * String id=reqJson.getString("id");
                * cyanoWebView.sendSuccessToWeb(action,version, id, 预知行结果);

cyanoWebView.getNativeJsBridge().setHandleInvokePasswordFree(new NativeJsBridge.HandleInvokePasswordFree() {
        public void handleAction(String data, String message) {
          /* TODO
           * 1. Executing for the first time is the same as action : invoke, both the password and the message are saved
           * 2. When the same request arrives for the second time, use the saved password for signature and fetch pre-execution result
           * 3. The pre-execution results need not display for the user to confirmation
           * 4. Send the transaction hash to the webview
           * reqJson = JSON.parseObject(data);
           * String action=reqJson.getString("action");
           * String version=reqJson.getString("version");
           * String id=reqJson.getString("id");
           * cyanoWebView.sendSuccessToWeb(action,version, id, 交易hash);

Map map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("action", "");
map.put("error", 0);
map.put("desc", "SUCCESS");
map.put("result", message);
cyanoWebView.sendBack(Base64.encodeToString(Uri.encode(JSON.toJSONString(map)).getBytes(), Base64.NO_WRAP));

iOS SDK sample code

RNJsWebView * webView = [[RNJsWebView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectZero];
[webView setURL:@""];

[webView setGetAccountCallback:^(NSDictionary *callbackDic) {


[webView setInvokeTransactionCallback:^(NSDictionary *callbackDic) {


[webView setInvokeReadCallback:^(NSDictionary *callbackDic) {


NSDictionary *params = @{
[webView sendMessageToWeb:params];

Code base for reference

Signature verification methods

Transaction event query methods

Cyano Wallet

dAPI - Mobile provider SDK

dAPI - Mobile client SDK

Last updated