Integration and Usage
Include the SDK dependencies to the local Maven repository:
mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=com.github.ontio -DartifactId=ontlogin-sdk-java -Dversion=1.0.0 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=ontlogin-sdk-java-1.0.0.jar
Add dependencies in the pom.xml
Add API Methods
Add the methods in the Controller:
: Returns the challenge from the serversubmitChallenge
: Passes the signed challenge and VP (if requested by the server)
// Challenge request
public Result generateChallenge(@RequestBody ClientHello clientHello) throws Exception {
String action = "generateChallenge";
ServerHello result = loginService.generateChallenge(action, clientHello);
return new Result(action, ErrorInfo.SUCCESS.code(), ErrorInfo.SUCCESS.descEN(), result);
// Challenge submission
public Result validateClientResponse(@RequestBody ClientResponse clientResponse) throws Exception {
String action = "validateClientResponse";
String token = loginService.validateClientResponse(action, clientResponse);
return new Result(action, ErrorInfo.SUCCESS.code(), ErrorInfo.SUCCESS.descEN(), token);
// Other business logic
public Result checkJwt(@RequestBody JSONObject req) {
String action = "checkJwt";
String token = req.getString("token");
loginService.checkJwt(action, token);
return new Result(action, ErrorInfo.SUCCESS.code(), ErrorInfo.SUCCESS.descEN(), ErrorInfo.SUCCESS.descEN());
Use loginService
private JWTUtils jwtUtils;
private SDKUtil sdkUtil;
public ServerHello generateChallenge(String action, ClientHello clientHello) throws Exception {
// Invoke the SDK to generate the challenge
return sdkUtil.generateChallenge(clientHello);
public String validateClientResponse(String action, ClientResponse clientResponse) throws Exception {
// Challenge verification successful
// Now you can proceed according to your business logic
// In this example, JWT is used for authentication
String token = jwtUtils.signAccess("", "test user");
return token;
public void checkJwt(String action, String token) {
Import SDKUtil
and Initialize ontlogin Sdk
and Initialize ontlogin Sdk
private OntLoginSdk sdk;
// To store UUID. In real projects, UUID can be stored in the database, redis or cache
private Map<String, Integer> nonceMap = new HashMap<>();
private OntLoginSdk getOntLoginSdk() throws Exception {
if (sdk == null) {
synchronized (OntLoginSdk.class) {
if (sdk == null) {
ServerInfo serverInfo = new ServerInfo();
// Server DID
Map<Integer, VCFilter[]> vcFilters = new HashMap<>();
// Configure `VCFilter` according to `actionType`
VCFilter vcFilter = new VCFilter();
// VC type
// If it's required
// Issuer DID
vcFilter.setTrustRoots(new String[]{"did:ont:testdid"});
VCFilter[] vcFiltersArray = {vcFilter};
vcFilters.put(Const.ACTION_AUTHORIZATION, vcFiltersArray);
SDKConfig sdkConfig = new SDKConfig();
// Supported chains, e.g. eth, ont, bsc, respective Processors needed
sdkConfig.setChain(new String[]{"ont"});
// Supported signature scheme
sdkConfig.setAlg(new String[]{"ES256"});
// Server info
// VC required by the server
// Initialize the Processor of the respective chain
// Parameter specification using Ontology as an example
// 1. doubleDirection bool: if mutual authentication is required
// 2. Ontology node rpc server address
// 3. DID contract address, can be null when 1 takes `false`
// 4. Ontology wallet address, can be null when 1 takes `false`
// 5. Wallet password, can be null when 1 takes `false`
OntProcessor ontProcessor = new OntProcessor(false, "",
"52df370680de17bc5d4262c446f102a0ee0d6312", "./wallet.json", "12345678");
Map<String, DidProcessor> resolvers = new HashMap<>();
resolvers.put("ont", ontProcessor);
// Except config, Processor and SDK, the following functions need to be passed
// 1. public String genRandomNonceFunc(Integer action): generates UUID by action
// 2. public Integer getActionByNonce(String nonce): checks if the nonce (UUID) exists in the database/redis/cache and returns action
sdk = new OntLoginSdk(sdkConfig, resolvers) {
public String genRandomNonceFunc(Integer action) {
String nonce = UUID.randomUUID().toString().replace("-", "");
nonceMap.put(nonce, action);
return nonce;
public Integer getActionByNonce(String nonce) {
Integer action = nonceMap.get(nonce);
if (action == null) {
throw new OntLoginException("checkNonce", ErrorInfo.NONCE_NOT_EXISTS.descEN(), ErrorInfo.NONCE_NOT_EXISTS.code());
return action;
return sdk;
public ServerHello generateChallenge(ClientHello clientHello) throws Exception {
OntLoginSdk ontLoginSdk = getOntLoginSdk();
ServerHello serverHello = ontLoginSdk.generateChallenge(clientHello);
return serverHello;
public void validateClientResponse(ClientResponse clientResponse) throws Exception {
OntLoginSdk ontLoginSdk = getOntLoginSdk();
Handle VP
Use the following to extract VC from VP in form of JSON text.
public String[] getCredentialJsons(String presentation)
Since the form of VC varies according to the server's request, only JSON is supported here. The server can parse the VC into the per-defined form.
Last updated
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