Development Environment

Setting up the required tools on the local machine

To make the development process as smooth and as efficient as possible, we recommend confirming that all the tools mentioned below are installed and configured properly on your local machine.

  • Rust development environment

  • An Integrated Development Environment (IDE) software

  • Ontology's WASM contract testing private node

Let us look at the installation process for the above mentioned tools one by one.

For this tutorial, we will be setting up a private test node for testing our WASM contract. This will allows us to add debug information to the contract and monitor the contract's run-time information in the logs section. In case you feel that node setup is complicated, you can always use the testnet to deploy and invoke contracts, something that we are working on at Ontology and hope to make available very soon.

Rust Development Environment

Non-windows platforms can use the following shell command to install rustup.

curl -sSf | sh

For windows users, please follow this link to directly download rustup from the official website. Install and add the respective PATH environment variables by following the directions provided.

Install the Rust compiler using this shell command.

rustup install nightly

Set the default compiler version to nightly by-

rustup default nightly

Install the wasm32 compiler target-

rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

Later when we write our Rust code, we will be compiling it and converting it to bytecode using the cargo tool. But, the file that cargo generates is relatively large in size. Therefore, to compress the bytecode file, as well as to check and optimize it for deploying on the blockchain, we will be using the ontio-wasm-build tool.

ontio-wasm-build can be installed using the following shell command-

cargo install --git=

For more details on ontio-wasm-build, please refer to this link.

Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Software

Since we will be using rust, there are certain IDEs that work well. The following IDEs can be used-

Local Test Node Set-up

A private node can be set up on the local machine and run using Ontology's CLI.

In order to realize this, we must first download and configure the implementation of Ontology's core software.

Information and direction on how to build Ontology from the source code can be found by following this link.

The executable for the latest release different operating systems can be downloaded from this link.

After download and installing Ontology, we don't have to build it from the source code and can directly proceed with the development process.

When running the pre-built executable file, please set the log level to DEBUG mode. Debug information is more conveniently accessible in this mode.

Last updated